Photos and videos
Share your New Colombo Plan experiences in Thailand by sending your photos, stories or videos to [email protected]. Stay tuned for them to appear on our website, on the Embassy’s Facebook Page “Australia in Thailand” and Twitter @AusAmbBkk !
Thomas Da Jose recently completed a semester at Chulalongkorn University and is now undertaking an internship.
NCP student Justin Whittle introduced the Ambassador to some delicious treats.
NCP student Thomas and NCP intern Jenny visit the Bangkok Art and Cultural Centre
NCP scholar Grace Blake spent six months studying visual arts at Chiang Mai University
New Colombo Plan students, Colombo Plan alumni and other Australian alumni discuss education links and alumni engagement.
Asher spent five months as an NCP intern at the World Food Program (WFP) Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific.
Fourteen NCP students from the University of Wollongong were in Thailand to obtain teaching experience.
David Coleman was the first New Colombo Plan scholar in Thailand. Here he shares some of his memories.